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Design of Embedded Security Door Lock System

Design of Embedded Security Door Lock System

The description of this project for an embedded security door lock system uses a digital lock connected to a microcontroller. Your home and office's security is given first priority. This embedded security door lock system's main objective is to enable a door with a security password. The entire security door circuit and microcontroller, which are suited for the circuit's mechanism, are expected to have a power source for this purpose. A DC motor, buzzer, and keypad to enter the password are additional components needed for this project.

Smart door lock system- IOT-based  project

We upgraded the system from the image above and added the keypad so that the user can enter a password to open or close but, the user can still control the door using a smartphone.

It is necessary to turn on the door's power source in order to open or close it. To open the door, press "*," and to close it, press "#." After pressing * or #, the password must be typed in. The microcontroller will pass the command and the door will be opened or locked if the password is the same as the one entered into the device. The microcontroller's password can be reset.  

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